I Want to Work at AA Medical!

About AA Medical

AA Medical was founded by Ronald Plantz in 2010 with the vision of providing high-quality, refurbished medical equipment at unbeatable prices. Over the years, the company has expanded significantly, now employing over 200 people across multiple states, including our headquarters in Illinois and locations in Florida, Maryland, North Carolina, Minnesota, and Pittsburgh. AA Medical's growth has been driven by strategic acquisitions, including Certified Endoscopy Products (CEP), Tekyard, Zantek, Med-Sell, and Surgical Product Solutions (SPS). Backed by Shore Capital Partners, a private equity firm based in Chicago, we are proud to connect the world with life-sustaining medical equipment and remain committed to continued growth and excellence.

AA Medical offers a variety of benefits to ensure that our employees feel supported and valued. Here’s a summary of what we offer:

-Unlimited PTO for exempt employees, so you can take the time you need to recharge and enjoy life outside of work.
-4 paid mental health days to prioritize your mental wellness.
-9 observed holidays to spend time with loved ones and celebrate important occasions.
-Medical coverage with HSA and PPO options, so you can choose the plan that works best for you.
-FSA and HSA accounts, as well as dependent care FSA, to help you save on healthcare and dependent care expenses.
-Discounts on pet insurance to keep your furry friends healthy.
-Delta Dental and Delta Vision insurance offerings.
-Short term and long term disability coverage through Principal, to provide financial protection in case of unexpected events.
-EAP (employee assistance program) through Principal, to provide confidential support and resources for personal and work-related challenges.
-Pet friendly office in Mokena, to make your furry friends feel welcome and at home.
-4% 401(k) company match

About the role

If we don't have a role available that matches your skills and interest right now, we'd still love to connect with you! Apply to this posting to be added to our talent pool for future opportunities! We're always looking for good people!

AA Medical was founded by Ronald Plantz in 2010, in hopes of providing high quality, refurbished medical equipment at unbeatable prices. Over the last twelve years, we have grown into a 55-employee company with two office locations - Mokena, Illinois, and Miami, Florida. We are proud to consistently connect the world with life sustaining medical equipment and are constantly working towards even more growth.

Our Values — How we bring our mission to life

Our values represent how we present ourselves to the world. These values stand out as the elements that make us distinctly who we are. They are deeply ingrained principles that guide our actions and our decisions.

  • Relationship Focused - Our business is built on trusted partnerships. We are consultative advisors and problem solvers.
  • Innovation Minded - We are creating something that has never been done before. We won’t settle for just good enough.
  • Growth Driven - We are competitive and driven to be the best. Our agility allows us to “get big but, stay small.”
  • Human Centered - We are an unconventional, high-energy team. Our culture is employee and mission focused.
  • Tech Enabled - We use technology to be bigger, faster, and stronger.

Human Resources

Mokena, IL

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